Project entitled "Extending the product offer of Wilrobi Sp. z o.o. through the use of innovative solutions in the production of box furniture and the implementation of the results of R&D works " implemented as part of the Regional Operational Program of the Podlaskie Voivodeship, 2014-2020, Priority Axis I "Strengthening the potential and competitiveness of the region's economy", Measure 1.3 "Supporting investments in enterprises"
1. Purpose of the project:
The aim of the project is to increase the company’s competitiveness on the regional, domestic and foreign market through the use of innovative solutions in the production of box furniture and the implementation of the results of R&D works.
2. Planned effects:
The result of the project will be the implementation of the results of R&D works, on the basis of which the improved technology of furniture production will be implemented, and box furniture (children’s furniture and fireplace mock-ups) will be introduced to the market, characterized by high aesthetics due to the external invisibility of connections and ease of assembly.
3. Project value: PLN 6 985 867,38
4. Co-financing of the project from the EU: PLN 3 253 586,16

As a result of the project, one product innovation was introduced to the company’s offer and to the target market, which is the result of the implemented process innovation and the implemented results of R&D works.
As a result of the project and as a result of commercialization and implementation of the results of R&D works related to the concept of an innovative connection that allows joining elements of cabinet furniture made of MDF, HDF, plywood, chipboard or wood by the end user without the use of tools or with their minimal participation, introduced on A new product has been introduced to the regional, domestic and foreign market: box furniture (including children’s furniture and dummy fireplaces), which is characterized by high aesthetics due to the external invisibility of connections, ease of assembly by the end user. Designed and validated in laboratory and industrial conditions, the sliding-strut connections are characterized by high rigidity and strength, while ensuring high rigidity and strength to the furniture bodies. They have a high aesthetic value because they are invisible from the outside in the furniture. In addition, they allow the assembly of furniture without the use of tools by the end user.
EKO box furniture was also introduced, made of ecological boards (eco-innovation of the product) – EKO children’s furniture and EKO fireplace dummy with the use of an innovative sliding-strut connection, made of ecological material EKO MDF/HDF boards, which contain reduced content of chemical compounds (formaldehydes).